Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spank or he'll SHOOT!

I know you've been waiting for the comeback, so here we go again. Check out this article I just read. It talks about a study on spanking. Of course it's a study against spanking...



My experience in college and sales has taught me that statistics can be made to prove anything. This article would have you believe that spanking kids turns them into aggressive children. Hmm... I beg to differ. Seriously? Maybe if you abused them, but not correct spanking for discipline. I believe that if more people spanked there children in the first place there would be less crime! Spanking a child should be explained, and executed quickly. Doing this teaches the child that what they did was wrong and there are consequences for their actions.

My wife Erin was in the local grocery store a few years ago when our oldest was 3 years old. While in the spaghetti jar aisle, Isaiah was acting less than perfect. As a result, Erin told him he needed to sit in the cart since he wasn't listening. Isaiah about blew a gasket, he screamed, he hollered, then he proceeded to kick the cart away. That was enough for my beautiful 8 months pregnant wife to smack his butt. It was quickly after that a nosy woman shopper walked up to Erin and informed her that she always spanked her children, but some people would report that. I hope you know Erin, cause if you do you can surely see her doing what happened next. My beautiful wife got in that lady's face and said verbatim, "The way I look at it, if I spank my child now, he won't SHOOT yours later!" That lady walked away pretty fast and ensured she wasn't in the same aisle as Erin the rest of the shopping trip. HA!

TRU DAT! We need more parents that spank. Forget this BS about it will make them aggressive. IT WILL MAKE THEM LISTEN!

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